Drywall Services

About Drywall Repair Specialists

With Drywall Repair Specialists, you can change your drywall textures, repair hole drywall, repair drywall cracks and can revitalize your walls and ceilings to give your home a new look. Transform your home with our cost-effective and quality drywall repair services. Our repair services include:

Why Choose DRS?

“Chad Potter and his staff are excellent to work with. The guys at DRS are very responsive and they do high quality craftsman work. I recommend these guys to anyone. They always answer the phone or return our messages promptly, and I can trust them in my home when I am not there.

Unmatched Dependability

Drywall Repair Specialists in Tulsa specializes in the drywall finishes, ceiling texture repair and every kind of drywall repair service. The DRS repairmen have decades of combined experience in drywall repair service, installation and drywall finishes. DRS provides high quality repairs and dependability unmatched by competitors. If your property has been damaged and you need to repair hole in drywall, water damage or you want to repair drywall cracks and ceiling textures, Drywall Repair Specialists is the place to call.

Since it's inception in 2005, Drywall Repair Specialists has been committed to providing drywall repair, including fixing drywall, patching drywall, drywall textures and installation services. Improve your home and reinvent your property.

At Drywall Repair Specialists, our mission is to provide professional drywall repairs with quality and dependability unmatched by competitors. We create value for our customers through extensive training from top management to our drywall repair service professionals. Our experienced and professional staff also installs drywall for remodels, renovations and additions.